P h o t o g r a p h y

Professional info
For me, photography represents art and passion, symbolizes my being as a person and a citizen, giving life to my photos while letting others interpret my "click."
Work experience
Official Photographer for The US Marine Ball (Mozambique - Maputo 2016-2018)
Photo book about Southeast Asia
(August 2015)
Official photograph of the Cape Verde presidency
(March 2012 to August 2013)
Director of Images - Ilha Digital Lda. Praia
(November 2005 to November 2011)
Defined image requirements and planned photographic events. Collaborated with clients to guarantee satisfaction with advertisements. Performed color-balance for final images.
Photography work selected to be featured in the guide book "CABO VERDE"
Photography featured in the national Yellows Pages. Cover photograph of tourism maps
Individual photo exhibit, featuring 20 of my selected works, Brazil (Fortaleza)
Individual photo exhibit, featuring 30 of my selected works, Praia, Cape Verde
Studio Lighting, Nature Portraits, special events, including weddings, parties and school portraits
Director of Images - Paralelo14.com
(March 2001 to August 2005)
Accomplishments Outstanding Photojournalism award from "Paralelo14.com", the first digital journal of Cape Verde.
Client satisfaction
Perform well in high-demand, fast-paced environments
Excellent verbal communication
Image archiving
Adobe Photoshop Social media
Flexible creative approach
Education and Training
Associate of Arts: Photojournalism,
1991 - Toulouse, France
Associate of Arts: Photography,
2001 Cenjor- Lisbon, Portugal
Adobe Photoshop CS6 for Photographers
Singapore 2014
Studio Lighting ( PSS)
Singapore 2015
LightRoom Fundamentals
Singapore 2015
Member of the Photographic Society of Singapore (PSS)
February 2015